The Group Leader as a Person
Group-counseling techniques cannot be considered as a separate piece from the leader’s personal characteristics and behaviors. The effectiveness of the group’s direction will be indicative of the life behaviors the leader demonstrates, not in just hearing the leader’s words. Demonstration of self-actualization is not as important as a willingness to commit to continually looking at one’s self. The key is to always be in pursuit of becoming a more effective human being. Reflect what you preach.
Personality and Character
Being motivated by the progress or pain that others experience. The leader’s ability to draw from people’s experiences will make it easier for them to empathize and demonstrate compassion. The ability to genuinely care and become a part of their world, not drift off, and remain open to the reactions of the group, these demonstrate the leader’s presence.
IF YOU ARE PHYSICALLY THERE, BE THERE AND LISTEN! Remain in conversation, use interjection- thoughts as they arise; don’t dwell on them and lose the content. Refrain from thinking of your own problems if they don’t relate to the content of the group.
*Personal Power
Having knowledge of one’s influence over others and a personal self-confidence (Don’t overuse your power over others it’s unethical). If the leader does not feel that they have control or a sense of power in their own life, it will be hard to demonstrate. (Don’t be afraid to get consultation for your own needs) Facilitation of the power one holds and urging members toward movement cannot be done if the leader does not acknowledge this within them. (Modeling) Fostering of dependency is not the key, but rather you want to empower the group to achieve this for themselves. Teach/Support your clients in the skills necessary to be independent.
YOU CAN CONTROL ONLY YOU AND SOME NEED TO BE TAUGHT THIS! Redirect when others are placing too much emphasis on trying to control other group members’ behavior or thoughts.
Leaders show courage by being willing to admit their mistakes, being vulnerable on occasion, acting on their perceptions, sharing their thoughts and feelings, and allowing their power to be shared with the group.
YOU ARE HUMAN, BE WILLING TO ACT LIKE IT AND ADMIT YOUR MISTAKES, WE ALL MAKE SOME! If you appear to be superhuman, clients will be afraid to disclose their faults. Others may develop distrust.
*Willingness to Confront Oneself
Self-investigation is a concept and practice the leader wants to promote. However, they must be willing to partake in this activity themselves. With this being an ongoing process. Questioning of one’s motives for being a group leader, as well as the participants questioning why they are in the group. Self-awareness is the commitment of this confrontation of self, but this includes the bad or negative aspects along with the good or positive.
LOOK IN THE MIRROR, REALLY LOOK IN THE MIRROR, BE HONEST! If you are not willing to look into issues in your own life, why should they?
*Sincerity and Authenticity
A sincere interest in each member’s well being and growth is one of the most important qualities of a leader. This sincerity, caring, involves being able to bring to light points of the member’s lives they may not be willing to address. With authenticity, comes the ability to disclose of oneself, their feelings and reactions to the ongoing of the group in an appropriate manner.
DON’T ACT LIKE YOU CARE, IF YOU REALLY DON’T; IF YOU DO CARE, THEN ACT LIKE IT! Be authentic or lose the purpose of the group system. They need to believe you’re there to help them in order for them to attend to the group.
A Concluding Comment You are not required to possess all of the characteristics, remember you are human. They need someone to model skills after.